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Soul Wizards Command Whatever they Desire

soul wizards Sep 20, 2019

A Soul Wizard knows there is nothing “wrong” with wanting what they want. They know what it feels like to be Sovereign of their Kingdom. They make no apologies... they command it into being! They honor free will of others. They get the Oneness of all beings.

Having what they want does not mean it takes away from anyone else. They know everyone can be as powerful as they choose to be.

  • Get your journal out and make a list of everything you desire to manifest.
  • Create a Vision board with images that inspire your vision
  • Post your Vision board where you see it before you go to sleep and the moment you wake up
  • While doing your morning exercise tap all over your body and make statements with a commanding voice. 
  • I am Powerful,  I manifest my dreams effortlessly!
  • I have all the resources I need to achieve my dreams! 
  • Make up more statements, feel them in your body and amp up your emotions!
  • Imagine you have already achieved your desires.  Feel what it feels like to already have it! 

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